by Neurodontics
News and Events
We are pleased to present to you selected and interesting educational events concerning Dentistry and Orthodontics. By clicking on one of the following information boxes you can find current details about the corresponding event.
As soon as the course of the pandemic permits, we will offer a new face-to-face course on this site, probably in Starnberg.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Craniomandibular Disorders (CMD)06.03. - 08.03.2020 | Starnberg
Neurobiology of pain regulation With special consideration of the craniomandibular system22. March 2019 | Hannover
Diagnosis and Treatment of Craniomandibular Disorders (CMD)28.09 - 30.09.2018 | Vienna
InternshipsDr. W. Entrup & Dr. T. Altvater Can be arranged after individual consulation | Hannover
Further Events
Stay tuned for more interesting and exciting events to come in and around Germany.