Course contents
- The importance of the craniomandibular system(CMS) in neurological organization.
- Functional analysis of the CMS using AK.
- Strategic and efficient selection and application of muscle tests(practical tips and tricks)
- Modified Meersseman-Test: practical demonstration and analysis
- AK- shortened-screening vs. complete test: Universal and Digestive Jaw: AK Testing and its implications- With practical group work
- AK- Test to diagnose SOT Categories (I-III) and their craniomandibular significance
- CMD - multifactorial etiology and pathology of individual factors of different importance
- Most common dysfunctional factors of the CMS and its strategic and efficient diagnosis with AK and therapy
- Orthopedic interplay of various craniomandibular dysfunctions (tested with AK)
- Meaning of orofacial dysfunctions and habits (bruxism, speech disorders, dysfunctions of the tongue, sucking, Tourette-Syndrome etc.)+AK testing
- Clinical consequences of the diagnostic results with AK in dental/orthodontic practices
- Practical, hands-on tips and tricks for the centrally aligned checkbite for functional therapy with COPA (craniomandibular-orthopedic-positioning-apparatus)
- Importance, function and therapy of the craniosacral system with therapeutic, orthodontic and prosthetic methods
- Functional therapeutic differential diagnostik and treatment with the ALF- apparatus ( Advanced- lightwire-Functional), COPA, COPA-Inlays, Gelb-Splint
- Therapeutic transition from functional therapy with the above mentioned methods to orthodontic treatment with multiband appliances and/or prosthodontics.
Your Lecturers
1050 EUR plus VAT
if registered before 06.01.2023
If registered after 6.1.23 : 1150 €
Apply now
Course language: German
06.03. - 08.03.2020
Diagnosis and Treatment of Craniomandibular Disorders
2-day hands-on course for dentists and orthodontists
06.03.201- 6 pm
07.03.208 - 12 am + 2 - 6 pm
incl. free lunch together
incl. free lunch together
08.03.208 - 1 am
more infos
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